okay..i have been neglectful in my updating but here i am again....and i have lots of picures to share to make up for my neglect. hehe. anyway, before we get to the pictures, i'll give you the general update on emerson. of course, she is still the cutest baby in the world, and as impossible as it seems, she is getting cuter every day. she is like really good wine...she is getting better as she ages. in fact, this seems to apply to every aspect of her and not just her unbelievable good looks (have i mentioned that lots of people seem to think she looks just like me???? hehe). anyway, she is seeming to get better with her fussiness, but has a dr appt tomorrow and we will talk with the doc about switching meds, or taking her off the meds since they seem to do nothing for her "reflux" (She is on zantac). adding rice cereal to her formula seems to be helping actually (thanks kia!). so we are going to keep with that for now and eventually i do hope to make our own rice cereal. probably once she starts eating it seperately. i also plan to make our own baby food too. and maybe while i am at it, i might move to some hippie commune. haha. not likely (though i do love hippies and have a special spot in my heart for dreads!)....but i do plan to make the baby food.
anyway, aside from that stuff, she is getting better and better at reaching and grasping things. its amazing how useless human babies are when they are born...but its so amazing to be able to watch these milestones develop over time. she is also "talking" more and seems to enjoy holding conversations with us.
so here are pics of my cutie...
emerson sleeping...and sucking her thumb. and holding that hand in there for dear life!

sleeping peacefully....i thought it was funny how she had her hands in this one..she is sleeping like a vampire! also, check out her awesome bandana bib! its super cute!

cutie pic...in her new outfit courtesy of auntie ashley (and her baby clothes shopping addiction)

get that camera out of my face!!! hehe

rockin it in her bumbo seat. i love this outfit on her!

ROAR!!!! hehe. she makes funny faces sometimes...

hanging out with auntie kia and her soon to arrive cousin

word up holmes! emerson rockin it with her baby legs on. i love those things!

umm.....this looks like baby porn. we better keep an eye on this kid! she is a natural at posing naked! hehe