she loves her bathtime! crazy naked baby!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
pic overload!!!

cute baby! although its not the greatest pic ever, i made brad take it because i loved her outfit so much that day. another outfit from auntie ashley (babylegs provided by me though!) i am beginning to become one with the color pink. well, for emerson anyway. so much of her stuff is pink that i have no choice but to love it. plus, with outfits like this, how can you possibly not dress her in pink??

but....brown is sooo cute too! this outfit was from kiley and although we had no where special to go, i got emerson all dressed up. she felt pretty cute.... she looks like a little doll.

i love this picture of her...even though she is looking away. the hat ties look like long pigtails! love it!

i love this picture too. she looks a little surprised but its sooo cute anyway!

not the greatest pic of emerson but i loved this outfit! auntie ashley bought the pants, and i bought the sweater. i love them both! she looks she is going to hang out in a library sitting on old man leather chairs.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
roll over beethoven!
so emerson is officially rolling from belly to back. happy valentines day to me :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
who's the dirtiest family member???
but now after being the stinky baby...and the dirtiest one in the family, she is now officially the cleanest! and she smells great! i got some of this organic baby shampoo from one of the teachers i work with who is all into organic stuff and it smells like oranges. she smells super clean! and for the first time EVER, she didnt cry after her bath! i let her play a little longer in the tub, so maybe that was the difference...who knows!??
Saturday, February 7, 2009
screaming baby!
who would have thought that i would love the sound of a screaming child? somehow i do though...of course, its my own child and she isnt screaming out of anger or pain. apparently she just loves hearing herself scream. and although its probably a bad habit to encourage, i think its hilarious. this video was just a short moment of her screaming....she keeps it up for about 2 hours a day, sometimes more. its funny but i find that i often have more headaches than before. hehe.
anyway, aside from screaming and blowing rasberries lately, emerson is doing really good. she has decided to apparently never learn to roll over. she doesnt seem to care. she is pretty anti-being on her belly, so she doesnt get many chances to try to roll over. her legs are really strong and i think she will be walking soon. hehe. not really, but she does have very strong legs, considering how scrawny they are.
i cant wait for february vacation. not only will my mom and ashley be visiting (And i finally get to show ashley the MALL), but i cant wait to spend a week with emerson. i am having to ask brad what her schedule is now and i hate it. i hate not knowing her better because i am at work. so i really plan to enjoy getting to spend some quality time with her. she just keeps changing every day and i cant keep up with it!