Saturday, May 30, 2009
randomness and the infamous nerd bangs
Saturday, May 16, 2009
video time
first she had her 6 month dr appt the other day. she is almost 7 months though. here are some stats:
weight: 16.6lbs (43rd percentile)
length: 25 inches...same as at her 4 month appt. (12th percentile)
head 17.3 (79th percentile)
thats right! she is a bobble head! hehe its amazing she can sit up and balance that noggin!
anyway, here are some cute videos from the past week.
emerson has a new face that she makes...she has anger issue..hehe.
this is emerson and i at her 2nd swim class. shes a natural! no attention to my cleavage.
this is a video of emerson sort of enjoying the swings/holding on for dear life. hehe
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
if the house is messy, its emersons fault!
she screamed. like, "i'm about to get murdered by this giant machine" scream. up until now, she has been neutral to the vacuum cleaner, never really caring about it one way or another. however, she decided that she is now DEATHLY afraid of it, making housework that much more difficult. i mean, i am not really a domestic kind of person, so when i get the motivation to do stuff around the house, no one should stop me. so this is a bad thing. knowing that she is going to freak out is definitely a big deterrent to doing vacuuming.
so anyway, if you come to my house from here on in and my carpet is covered with a few inches of cat fur and ants trapped in the cat fur, dont blame it on me or think i am gross. its all emersons fault and i am just trying to be a good mom. :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
my first mothers day
anyway, on to mothers day...which is almost over and i am totally going to bed as soon as i am done posting this. emerson didnt care that it was mothers day. dont get me wrong...she did get me a present. she got me a flash drive, so i can put all my stuff on the 4 that i have, onto one drive. she is very practical. and then brad got me peach rings, which i indulge in on rare occasion and love. but aside from the gift, emerson was a very miserable baby today. that kid better be teething or something to act the way she did today.
we went to ithaca today to get a great cloth diaper deal and to shop around. she cried part of the way down...and then passed out the rest of the ride. and then she was okay while there. she fussed and cried while we were trying to eat but not too too bad. then she screamed almost the entire way home. like, ear shattering, i'm being murdered, kind of crying. she was changed and fed...she was just pissed that she was stuck in the car. not fun. then we got home and she screamed more. she would not let me put her down to play, and there were a million things i needed to get done around the house. ughh...crazy baby. she even screamed forever after i put her into bed tonight, which she rarely does.
hopefully she will be better behaved tomorrow. brad was going nuts as well today and i have a dentist appt tomorrow, so i hope she is good during the day. and then we are having dinner at our friends house so hopefully she is good there.
anyway, all in all, it wasnt a bad first mothers day, but i think emerson could have been a little more chill and the day would have gone a lot nicer! hehe
okay...bedtime for me...
Friday, May 1, 2009
video killed the radio star
Here are a few cute videos in the past few days. apparently emerson has decided to say dada...although she has said mama before but neither of them really mean anything to her yet..except that she really likes to say dada.