Monday, June 22, 2009

busy busy bee

i know i have been neglecting the blog and many have mentioned the lack of posts lately. i have had a hard time finding time to blog. anyway, school is almost done and with that comes.....SUMMER! woot woot! i am excited to get to spend the summer with emerson and also do fun things with bradley and brad as well. its gonna be a busy last few days, and bittersweet as well, since i wont be returning to teach at the same school for next year. i have applied at so many schools but havent heard anything. i could be living in ny or maybe massachusetts, rhode island or even texas! we will see! of course, i might end up sitting on my tushie collecting unemployment if i cant find a job, but we will make it work.

anyway, to those of you have havent seen emerson lately, you are missing out big time! she is sooo funny! she still screams for fun and blows rasberries at you, but she makes her "mad" face all the time. i dont know if she is actually mad or not. she is picking up little puff baby food and getting it into her mouth.

she pulled herself up to standing on 6/16 when i was giving her a bath. she just pulled right up on the edge of the tub and grabbed a shampoo bottle and threw it on the ground. and so the destruction begins! i need to hire someone to come to my house and get rid of the junk and organize things.... MOM??? seriously, if you havent met my mom, she is possibly the most organized, neat, clean-obsessed person in the world. i, however, did not inherit that trait. that becomes obvious the moment you walk into my house. hello clutter city! it probably doesnt help that my house is only a measly 864 square feet. yeah....its tiny. without a basement. not sure how to even begin to de-clutter and organize this place to make it crawl-safe! hehe.

anyway, moving bed. well, i might sneak a few bites of my ben and jerry's first, but then off to bed. 3 more days of school left!! (and i think i am bringing emerson on wednesday!)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you in one week! BUT BUMMER pete can't come because he just took off a bunch of days for doctors appointments! :( we'll have to talk about the plan!
